I survived….
Well I have been officially back in the fulltime workforce for a week. In the lead up, I can honestly say I was a bitch…I was so stressed and strung out about things that I was imaging to happen when I went back to work. I was worried about not being able to get out of the house on time in the morning, being up until all hours getting ready for the next day and then be up all night with my youngest who still doesn’t sleep through the night, even though he is almost one.
Well the week has come and the week has gone and there hasn’t been any apocalyptic moments, in fact quite the opposite. Each morning everything went to plan…did I forget to mention that I created a morning timetable for myself (I am a teacher what did you expect??). I was up, organized, kids up and organized and out the door at no later than 7.15 each morning…The organization gods were working with me all week. The evenings also went to plan, dinner, bath, bed (the kids that is). I was able to have Kinder bags, Daycare bags all packed and ready to go by the time I had my evening shower. My son for the first time in his short life started sleeping through the night (with a few little stirs - but pop the dummy back in and bingo!!).
I even got a little bit of study done. I will admit the study bit has fallen away a little. I don’t think it has anything to do with a time thing because I seem to have plenty of it (ask me again when reports and uni assignments are due at the same time). I actually feel I have more time to enjoy being a mum…I know…even I can’t believe those words are coming out of my mouth. I am loving my new job and for the first time in a long time I actually enjoying teaching – I feel rejuvenated and as a result the drive to get a piece of paper to do another profession has taken a back seat. But this job is only for Term 2 so I have to keep telling myself no you have to get this piece of paper so you have the option of starting a new career.
Back to enjoying being a mum, I believe I am one of those women who have to work to be a better mum…. Each night this week I have looked forward to coming home and seeing my beautiful children. I even enjoy watching 'Nick Jnr' with my daughter! I enjoy and appreciate their cuddles more. Their smiles, when they see me in the afternoon, melt my heart every time. I feel that by working I appreciate my time with them more…I have read several parenting books and they all say the same thing it isn’t the quantity of time you spend with your children but the quality of time…..I am now starting believe that this in fact true.
I feel I achieved the impossible - BALANCE in my life.
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