Sunday, May 16, 2010

Not the only ones - Georgy:)

We have been going through a difficult patch lately with almost continuous illness in our household. My little boy is constantly getting viruses which result in a chesty cough and a runny nose, this of course leads to bad sleep and the ongoing juggle with work and taking time off to look after him.

Last week for what seemed like the first time in ages he was actually well and so started to put in place a sleep routine which saw him sleeping solidly through from 7pm to 4 or 5am - an early start but better then it was.

Unfortunately while he was well both my husband and daughter were sick. Now they are better and my little boy is congested again and hardly sleeping. It is hard to take and you start to feel like you are the only one dealing with this, particularly as unlike many of our friends we don't have parents in Melbourne to lend a hand.

Yesterday though I felt marginally better when talking to another childcare Mum to find out she is in the same boat. Just talking about it and having someone relate and understand so perfectly helped so much. So if any of you out there are struggling in this way at the moment, I hope you too can take heart in that you are not alone and I have been told it will get better once my little boy is just that bit older.

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