One of my friends, a first time Mum often refers to me about things her little one is doing, asking 'have you experienced this, is it just a phase?' Most of the time as the very experienced Mum of two that I am (hmmm still refer regularly to my own Mum, books, doctor or my maternal health nurse, but still) I can comfortably say, yes been through that and it was a phase.
Even knowing this myself though, it is still hard to handle some 'phases'. My little boy at the moment screams whenever we leave him at childcare, when only a few weeks ago he would run in happily without a care in the World. My daughter did the same thing at a similar age, so know that he will hopefully soon grow out of it but it doesn't make it much easier. Every morning I drop him at the childcare centre I leave wanting to cry myself and struggle to go into work. I often ring a little later in the day just to check he is ok as he is so hysterical when we leave. I am always reassured that he calms down quickly and by the time we pick him up he is happily playing and often doesn't want to leave.
My daughter on the other hand is going through a coming into Mummy and Daddy's bed phase. She has done this a number of times for a period from the age of two and a half (funnily enough she never slept in our bed before this) but then suddenly stops and sleeps in her own bed again for weeks on end.
So this post is really to those first time Mums out there who often wonder will this thing my child is doing ever end! Kids certainly go through a lot of phases, especially around sleep it seems, so be comforted in that there will often be an end of some sorts and if in doubt my bibles through these troubled periods where Baby Love and The Mighty Toddler both by Robin Barker. Fantastic books that gave me some peace of mind and guidance.
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