Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tired, clingy children - is gardening the answer? - Georgy:)

My daughter of late as been overtired due to lack of solid sleep (she has been having nightmares then coming into our bed for cuddles), resulting in her being just that little more clingy and constantly demanding my attention during the day.

By the end of the Easter weekend however we have a different child. She was so happy yesterday, has started sleeping better and as a result played a lot by herself or with her brother quite happily. She was also excited this morning about going to childcare and telling her friends about her weekend.

Why the change, I have asked myself as I really want to keep this child around? The main thing I can put it down to is gardening and being outside in general over most of the weekend. Together we weeded and started redoing our herb, vegetable garden. My daughter loved it and kept asking how she could help. Both kids also just seemed to enjoy being outside with us, running around, playing with their balls and picking leaves and flowers to go inside.

All in all we had a great weekend outdoors which has made for happy, relaxed children. As for myself I feel the same, though I am very stiff and sore from all that digging. At least I know I have done a good workout as well

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